

Conference Topics

Contributions are welcome in both theoretical developments and practical implementations in the following main areas: Planning and operation of power systems Renewable energy sources and storage, Distributed generation and microgrids, Centralized and Local Markets, Reliability and Resilience of power systems, Security assessment and risk analysis, Intelligent distribution networks, Smart grids, E-Mobility, Power quality, Energy efficiency, Electromagnetic transients, Power electronics, Protection and safety, FACTS, Insulation co-ordination, Cables and insulating material, High voltage engineering, Illumination techniques, Electric machines and drives, Information and  communication technologies in power systems, Geographic information systems applications, Digital Twins, Optimization and Data Driven Techniques.

Authors should send full papers at the following link

Submit full paper

Important dates :

30 April 2024  2-page extended abstract submission
30 May 2024Notification of abstract acceptance
30 July 2024  Full paper submission
15 August 2024 Notification of full paper acceptance
15 September 2024  Camera ready submission
30 September 2024Advance registration


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